Dental Clinic Blog



At the moment, several different technologies are used in orthodontics to correct the occlusion and correct aesthetic defects of the teeth. The most common among these methods are braces and aligners. Therefore, the first question that arises for a person who wants to make his teeth straight is: what should you choose – aligners or braces? You can answer this question by examining the advantages and disadvantages of both technologies.


Braces have long established themselves as an effective tool for eliminating bite deformities and gaining a beautiful smile. Among the advantages of this technology are:

  • the ability to correct almost any, even the most difficult, malocclusion without any additional devices and procedures,
  • stationary installation in the dentist’s office,
  • relatively fast achievement of the desired effect and high reliability,
  • short recovery period,
  • availability of various types of braces – relatively inexpensive metal braces, as well as comfortable ceramic and sapphire braces.

However, braces also have their drawbacks. Typically, this is the visibility and sensation of a foreign body in the mouth. But when installing sapphire braces, where most of the structure is made of a special transparent material, this issue is not so acute. Also, in some cases, it is possible to install lingual braces behind the teeth and therefore unobtrusive . But of course, this does not negate the presence of a metal structure in the mouth, which may not suit the patient from an aesthetic point of view. In addition, braces require regular visits to the dentist to control the bite correction process, careful hygiene and the rejection of certain products. In some cases, when wearing braces, gum inflammation and impaired diction are possible.


Aligners are a modern high-tech bite correction system. It is a transparent mouthguard made to order from a special hypoallergenic thermoplastic material. They are used to displace individual teeth, eliminate enlarged interdental spaces, crowding and other disorders. Aligners have many advantages over other orthodontic systems:

high aesthetics, since aligners are absolutely transparent and virtually invisible in the mouth,

they do not cause allergies and irritation, and do not damage the tooth enamel,

no influence on diction,

convenience and lack of sensation of a foreign body in the mouth – mouth guards are made of a very thin material that quickly ceases to be felt,

individual production, taking into account the peculiarities of malocclusion in each specific case,

the ability to remove aligners, there are no restrictions on the choice of food.

Just like any orthodontic construction, aligners require some maintenance. They must be removed while eating and brushing your teeth. Aligners should be washed periodically with warm water and a disinfectant solution provided by the manufacturer. In addition, after some time, the aligners will have to be replaced with new ones, so that the alignment of the dentition occurs gradually.

Still not sure which one to choose? Contact the specialists of the FDC clinic, they will conduct an examination and help you choose the orthodontic system that is suitable specifically for your case. The French Dental Clinic employs orthodontists certified by Invisalign , a leading manufacturer of quality aligners. The experience gained allows FDC dentists to work with even the most complex malocclusion at the highest level.


What to do if part of the bracket system is displaced?

This happens even with the quality work of the orthodontist. When releasing the archwire, adhere to the following useful tips, but it is still better to contact the specialist who installed the bracket system. When the archwire pops out of the self-adjusting braces clip, you can try to put it back. But it is better to contact an orthodontist immediately after detecting a violation.

Damaged braces: what to do?

The released bracket must be removed by removing the ligature. Such unexpected situations happen quite often: as a rule, the reason is a poor-quality installation of the system or the patient’s carelessness. If you have removed the bracket, then take it to your doctor’s appointment. And do not hesitate to contact the orthodontist, as expensive braces must be examined and repaired by a real professional.

How to eat properly for people with braces?

Some people who are faced with the need to wear braces for a long time believe that they will have to give up their favorite foods for a long time. But in fact, dietary restrictions should be minimal and with the correct behavior of the patient, they will not affect the quality of life in any way.

To prevent damage to braces, it is recommended to reduce the load on them by correcting the diet: refrain from eating coarse fibrous foods, sticky foods. Train yourself to eat slowly, putting small bites in your mouth. Eat solid foods gently.

Avoid caramel, butterscotch, gummies, and overly hard foods (hard green apples, nuts, hard bread). Sticky products will remain on parts of the braces and are difficult to remove with standard cleaning products.

Remember that people with fixed braces are at increased risk of developing tooth decay. Between the grooves of the braces and the tooth enamel, the smallest fragments of food are still preserved, which, after decomposition and eating by cariogenic microorganisms, turns into a composition that corrodes enamel. Therefore, patients with braces should limit their intake of sugars and sugary carbonated drinks, as they create the most fertile environment for bacteria that cause tooth decay.

Despite the large selection of lingual systems, we use internal braces only from the Incognito system, the oldest and most experienced developer of lingual mechanics for orthodontic treatment.

Incognito braces and wires are individually manufactured from gold alloy in the Bad Essen laboratory in Germany after taking silicone impressions of the patient. Incognito lingual braces are used in patients with high aesthetic requirements when it is impossible to use removable equipment.

We consider the Incognito system to be as efficient and safe as possible for the patient.

ot all of us can boast of beautiful and even teeth. Although, as you know, the correct position of the teeth is not only beauty, but also health. Straight teeth are easier to clean. More and more people are realizing the benefits of straight teeth and want to look their best.

People with a malocclusion since childhood, collect information on the Internet about all existing bracket systems in the world, and now the truly revolutionary and at the same time the most effective Incognito bracket system, created in 2000 by the German dentist Dirk Wichmann, is popular.

Nowadays, with the help of invisible Incognito braces, even the most difficult situations can be corrected and significantly improved. Call FDC, where the system is being installed in Moscow, and find out all the information you are interested in.

In general, if you want to align your teeth and approach this wisely and judiciously, then take a closer look at this system that uses braces installed on the inner surface of the teeth for treatment. From the outside, they are practically invisible, so your teeth will align, but others will not notice how this is happening.


It turns out that the cost of invisible Incognito braces is quite high, and any normal person will first of all have a completely natural question – why pay more if there are cheaper braces systems? But, not everything is so simple …

Incognito has a number of advantages that influence the final choice and therefore are decisive for people who want to get a first-class result.

Features of Incognito braces

  • Incognito lingual braces will be made in the TOP-Service laboratory in Germany especially for you at the request of your orthodontist.
  • The bases of the miniature gold clasps will fit perfectly to the surface of the teeth and will be almost invisible to you.
  • Orthodontic bows for moving the teeth into the correct position are also prepared individually, the shape of the bows is milled specifically for your clinical case, which allows you to achieve an ideal treatment result.

Benefits of treatment

Imperceptibly! Braces are fixed on the inner, lingual side of the teeth, so your treatment will remain a secret for everyone around you.

Comfortable! Compared to conventional lingual braces, the Incognito is so flat and tiny that you quickly stop paying attention to it and your speech is not disturbed.

Safely! The gold alloy does not cause allergies.

Individually! Your braces will be made individually according to the impressions of your teeth using CAD / CAM technology.

Exactly! Thanks to the individual arches, the teeth are perfectly positioned in all three planes.

Incognito braces are internal, and they remain invisible when smiling, talking, eating food, and this is their advantage, because even the most inconspicuous sapphire braces are clearly visible during direct communication.

All elements adjacent to the teeth are as flat and miniature as possible, which provides a fairly quick addiction, while in conventional bracket systems, large parts bring discomfort and therefore the adaptation period increases.

Alignment aligners do not damage the enamel, do not erase it or change its color. The efficiency of wearing aligners is very high and, with small defects, is quite comparable to traditional braces. Some patients say they notice changes after 2-3 months of regular wear.

Dental Clinic Blog
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